We can carry out air quality tests and energy audits, identify and report on air leaks and take care of pressure system regulations all of which will increase efficiency, save costs and energy and help to pre-empt problems. Did you know Compressed air can represent up to 15% of total site energy costs? On average 25-30% of the compressed air you generate will be lost to leaks throughout your site distribution system.
You can hire compressors, dryers, filters and receivers from CPS. We are able to offer these almost immeditaley and can help recommend the best solution be it long or short term.
Health & Safety, Quality and Environmental awareness and compliance are at the forefront of everything we offer. SAFEcontractor is a fast-growing accreditation scheme designed to help industry improve its safety record - we are proud to hold this accrediatation giving our customers peace of mind that we have been recognised as a competent contractor.
Please contact us for current availability.